—"Of the making of many books there is no end..."
"Of the making of many books there is no end..."
This is a summary, not a description.
tmp = tmp2 + tmp3
Abbreviations can make things clearer, but don't abuse them.
Good programmers are lazy.
If a program runs in a forest but no one sees the output...
First drafts are wrong, but the author can't see where.
Marvelous proofs don't fit in the margins.
"I met a traveler from an antique land..."
A brief summary of time.
Once you have understood a problem, it is nine-tenths solved.
"...because not failing is not an option."
Dealing with human names is hard.
Do not solve hypothetical problems.
Musicians have instruments. Programmers have editors.
It should only take two commands to make a sandbox.
When software surprises you, here's what to do.
What code should be.
To understand problems, you must understand understanding problems...